Lined up alongside the plethora of GTC Mulliner Bentleys in the car park we set out on our Steeds on the final leg of our trip in the rain. After a short Shimmy on a duel carriage way where Mr Reed diced with death and a 40 tonne lorry we were into open country and under way. When the wind picked up Mr Bruce gallantly took to the front, sheltering us from the elements. Determination was high as when arriving at yet another “Deviation” we ignored any advice and in true British spirit.....”Carried On”. Unfortunately Mr M-D’s extra stream lined slicks (matching the head to toe Rapha) did not enjoy all that terrible Mud and Oomschka and we had our first puncture. Fortunately captain Hawes was at hand, who deftly changed the tyre as though we were in the pits at Monte Carlo. Montague-Dennis once again showed his true grit and determination when it came to the final ascent, “Col de Merd 2” by muttering various expletives before haring up the cliff at a rate of Knotts..........what a man! The group had been looking forward to the final descent from the Montagne de Reims but sadly due to the rain we knew this was not going to be the death-defying, hurtling descent we had hoped for. Wild-Boy Reed was off to flying start (I didn’t know the Military took such Lunatics) followed by Hawes, Bruce and M-D, timidly followed by myself and Bomber (who know doubt was cunningly planning some devilish Coup de Gras). With eyes closed and hands firmly on the brakes i rounded a viscious corner to find a man down. Bruce had hit the deck in a spectacular pearler. Incredibly bravely Bruce carried on determined to make lunch and a glass of Special Cuveé. Our hosts on arrival at Bollinger looked at us as only the French could, at a team of bedraggled cyclists covered in mud, Reed with a recent puncture and looking some way off charming lunch guests but after a quick turn around (M-D in a cascade of tangerine and sky Blue) we raced through a little Special Cuveé, Grand Anneé 2002 and a splash of Rosé for good measure and bid our farewells. It was an emotional ride back to Calais with the indubitable Bill at the wheel and Rebecca crooning (rather beautifully) in the front. And so it was that the Mentzendorf cycle team 2010 came to an end and I must say........... I miss you all!
Eddie xx